Jay2013 atv50

Jayden Hickson was able to beat the extreme temperatures of New Berlin NY this past weekend to take 1st overall in Production A in Unadilla in his first AMA race….

As Lacey Hickson is still recovering from her broken collar bone from the last NEATV race, Jayden’s first AMA appearance turned out to be a huge success.

On Saturday, Moto 1 in 450A was a stacked gate, Jayden came out mid pack and ran a good race to come up into finish 6th. By the time the afternoon came around, a decision to switch to Goldspeed tires (Thx to Bruce representing Goldspeed), made this moto a bit of a gamble….. But after Jayden got the hole shot, we knew we made the right decision. Unfortunately after a couple of bad wrecks in the first lap, a restart was necessary. Jayden came out second and was able to break away from the pack with Young to finish up in the same position.

Sunday proved to be just as hot…, Jayden hole shoted again in 450 A, be after a small mistake in a loose corner, he fell back to 3rd to finish up 4th overall in 450A. Despite the extreme heat in the late afternoon, Jayden once again came out of the gate first in 450 Production in moto 2. After a couple laps he started to pull away from the pack behind him to win the race., this gave him a 1st overall for the weekend in Production A.

A huge thanks to all our sponsors, who all helped making this AMA ATV National weekend a huge success…