
NEATV Round 3 at the MX101 Track in Epping NH absorbed hours of rain throughout the night before race day to provide an intense day of Racing full of Ups and Downs for most Teams….

After a full day of practice Saturday, Jayden Hickson came off the line Sunday, in the first race of the day in 4 stroke A in 4th place. After moving in to 3rd he stayed put for the remained of the race, tossing his muddy goggles on the last lap..A slightly drier track in Pro Am, Jay came out of the gate in Second, but settled for 3rd in Moto 1.

Moto 2 in 4 Stoke A… on a much drier track, Jay hooked up at the line to come out of the gate in 1st…. After 2 laps with a sustainable lead, a motor failed, it would put Jay on the sidelines for the remainder of the race…. With no other choice, the practice Honda was brought out of the trailer, with a stock motor, a quick shock change to the Stage 5 Elka’s, it was the only option left. After a decent holes hot , jay was forced to the outside on the first corner where a close encounter a 2 wheels put him back in 6th where he would hold on to for the remainder if the race, to finish 5th Overall on the weekend..

Lacey Hickson

Lacey Hickson

The #190 of Lacey Hickson really got things going in Moto 1 of the Women’s class after she weaved up from a 6th place start to finish 2nd in the first Moto…. In Moto 2 with the sand ruts starting show, Lacey came out of the gate wasting no time in 3rd place after a couple laps she moved into second. On the last lap with multiple attempts she couldn’t quite get the momentum she needed to clinch 1st and had to settle for 2nd place again after a great battle…

Thanks to all our supporting sponsors for contributing to another successful race weekend.