NEATV-MX Champion Cody Miller took the Nac’s Holeshot in the first Pro moto. Miller stayed out in front the entire moto, holding off fellow Can-Am rider, Josh Creamer. Miller took first overall in the first Pro moto.

BCS Performance’s #22 Cody Miller grabbed the Moto 1 Holeshot & held the lead from start to finish, but he nearly lost the lead when he got off the main line, but was able to get back on track just in time with #270 Josh Creamer applying the pressure the entire moto with Miller holding on to take a season first Pro Moto Win

In the second Pro moto, Miller came off the line in the back of the pack. Miller worked his way up the line to the fourth position. Unable to make any more passes, Miller finished fourth in the second moto, giving him an overall third place finish in the Pro class.

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