Team Yamaha Gavin Balls

Team Yamaha Gavin Balls

Solid weekend for Factory Yamaha Snowmobile Team for the second last round of the RMSHA series! The team is racing on our Stage 5 platforms, see below for team results! Congratulations!

IMG_0216Gavin Balls

1st in 700 imp stock
4th in 600 mod
5th in 600 imp stock
6th in 800 mod

Bryan Pack

2nd in 700 imp stock
5th in 700 mod
7th in 600 imp stock
8th in 600 mod

IMG_0213[1]Nathan Titus

6th in 700 imp stock
9th in 600 mod
8th in 700 mod
6th in Pro Master Imp Stock
7th in Pro Master Mod

IMG_0214Kaycee Eidinger

1st in 800 imp stock
3rd in 800 mod
5th in 600 stock
10th 800 stock