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Matt and Kent; Boys in Action

To meetings since both are regularly mentioned in the latest German German Cross Country series, short GCC. The two American Matt and Kent are traveling on Honda TRX 450R quad models. These were previously due to the changed market strategy of Honda Germany hardly go anywhere in this country or in competitions. That may change now maybe. In a training session on the motocross track in Hennweiler we met two affable Honda pilot.

qjmagThere are simple people like you and me. Matt and Kent working at the U.S. Air Force in Germany. Much of their free time to spend the two from Massachusetts with her favorite hobby to sport quads. Together they spend as Maynard Racing Team. “I went home earlier in the U.S. motocross. Just for fun without any ambitions for a competition, “says team boss Matt. “Through a friend of mine I was then infected with the quad biking. The hobby that has never left me, I have taken later to Germany. It was pretty hard to find a Honda TRX 450R for me here. Which is very rarely seen, let alone used in good condition. In the U.S., it actually drives everyone who does not is not a big quad-sponsorship agreement go. “And the reason for the popularity of the Honda? “It’s very simple. The TRX is regarded as particularly reliable, easy to tune and there are tons of aftermarket products and used parts for this model. So ideal for everyone who wants to travel with a potential sport quad. ”

His buddy Kent was impressed early on quad biking in the United States. Age of six, he is on a small road motocross bike. At 13, he then goes on that quad, and has since remained there. His Honda TRX he took when moving to Germany. “Matt was assigned to me when I arrived here in Germany as so-called mentor. He helped me as a new me over here at all your way only once. In my apartment search, he also helped me because he is already stationed in Germany for several years. On this occasion, we are then on the way came this week. It turned out that we have the same passion with the quad sport. I was and still am thrilled that we met. I asked Matt, fire and flame, whether there was any quad racing series in Germany are, where you could ride well as amateur. Since Matt had already participated several times in the GCC and he have liked the whole series as well as around it we decided to participate together as a team. The quad sport counts is not necessarily the cheap hobbies especially if you drive regularly race and there is always something to fix. Therefore, we have also approached some U.S. component manufacturers because a small sponsorship. For example we have received from Duncan Racing International, Elka Suspension, Pivot Works and Amsoil to support, we are very grateful. Without this it would have been very difficult our objectives for the current and next season to aim for. ”

And what are these goals? “We want to be realistic and have us both goals in our training set, the current state and possible training workload in the area of what is actually possible are. Rankings among the top ten in our XC quad sport class is coming to one of the sub-goals. But one or the other podium should be it for this year. At the race in Goldbach it almost worked for me. But number four is also something and shows that we can compete. Of course I must especially since Matt has already GCC experience, look once who the really tough opponents on the track in my class. Matt and I are expanding our services further from driving skills steadily. We learn, especially in the race of the faster moving the Quad XC and XC Quad Pro class. Since the track curves at various venues vary greatly not come with time even better route knowledge added. ”

It’s time. In the majority of Hennweiler Crosser makes a little break. The quads can now ran. This is when many routes not more, of course. Too many routes have been blocked in recent years for quads – unfortunately you have to say. More gratifying for the German quad sport is because the situation in Hennweiler. Matt Kent and make warm. Stretching exercises are included. Now roll the two bright red Honda TRX 450R cross track direction. Due to the very dry weather of recent days is dusty already properly located in a small valley in the distance. The quads improve the visibility does not necessarily – on the contrary. The wide tires stir up more dust. The photographs can actually forget once. Down in the valley, where the newly cast in concrete starting point is it works better especially suddenly stronger wind starts blowing and the clouds of dust quickly from the valley. Matt Kent and appreciate the training together a lot. And it shows. Both drive on the steep uphill and downhill sections at each other. But above they must be demolished. To close here is the dust. Visibility minus 10 meters – so flying blind. It to nothing but the ego is so driven to safety and “only” occasionally one or the other crosser or quad driver obsolete. But that proves how the race more difficult than expected. Many refuse to formally allow overtaking. And so it is always an uphill battle until you can finally go by the front man. “On the one hand a good exercise for the race, on the other side but also quite exhausting,” both tell at a small breather. “In the race, it is sometimes really annoying when you’re trapped behind others who are traveling in a different rating category for a while and simply there is simply no getting past. But ‘That’s Racing’ as they say here. ”

Screen Shot 2013-09-11 at 12.03.19 PMWhat are the beautiful experience for you at the races? “Clearly, the great atmosphere,” said Matt. “I have, for example, the German racer Frank Geiling met. Which is also missing on a Honda TRX 450R unterwegs.Wenn you a tool or as a part of me is broke down on the machine once before the start, immediately, all are ready to help you. The great and sort of like a big family. I was impressed by the high power density at the top of their respective classes. You can fool around with everyone and be the best pal, the knives are unsheathed but then in the race. Here you are fighting for positions and points as hard as possible. But also fair, I must say. ”

And how is it with you on the line? While you train together but your driving styles and also quads and thus differ your pace. “We are proceeded pragmatically. In training, we push each other on especially if it where a not particularly running times like that. As that in the race then we are enemies, hard but fair, so simple ”

As then differentiate your Honda quads? Are there major differences? “In short, they are adapted to each driver’s style. The quad of Kent is revving and my due to the displacement increase to 480 cubic has more oomph from the bottom at lower speeds. Kent preferred switching and driving with clutch with my quad is equipped with a Rekluse clutch. On the domes I can do without. I have thus converted the vacated as a rear brake clutch lever. This is more me. Otherwise, the usual improvements have been made over the original model without a race is to survive only with great difficulty, “says Matt. Kent adds: “Yes, especially the Elka Stage 5 shock absorbers front and rear to make our bikes and the steering damper a big difference. We have also replaced the electric starter on my 2009er Honda against a Kickstarter. A kick and the Honda engine comes to life. A major advantage of the starts. Goldbach it would summarizes the holeshot enough. ”

In addition to training here in Hennweiler you prepare yourselves also in a different form on the race before? “In addition to driving with our quads we use mainly the cardio exercise to prepare for the competitions. In the 90 minutes in the saddle, it takes a lot of strength-endurance to keep up. In cardio exercise Kent and I have personally found us an ideal training element but in the limited time that is available to us, according to well prepare for the competitions. Of course we would like to train a lot more with the quad itself to the cross sections, but this is actually only on weekends. Nevertheless, our previous rankings motivate us very much to go on. An increase towards podium is definitely in the realm of possibility. ”

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