In 2009 I finished the CMRC Central series PRO ATV class in good shape, winning the series. It was a tough battle that took to the last couple races to lock in my championship. In 2010 I started the year off good in the winter attending ice oval races in sault ste marie, Canada. I finished the ice race season undefeated in every moto. Then on came the summer mx season which continued just the way the ice racing ended, going many races undefeated. I took the 2010 championship again with a healthy year and not many bike breaks.  I am really looking forward to next season. I have been riding on Elka Suspension for the last 4 years now and do not see myself changing any time soon. They are very good to me and are always helpful with anything I need. I am currently pushing myself very hard in the gym with the off season training and getting me and my quad ready for the 2011 mx and ice racing season. My goals are to have another championship season in 2011 and to make as many nationals and provincials in the PRO and PRO-AM classes as I possibly can. I special thanks to Elka suspension, CP pistons and Douglas wheels for all the help